You *could* choose the flashy billboard REALTOR.
Or you could choose me. 

I’m not here to push quickfire transactions that make you feel hurried, unheard and unimportant. I’m truly invested in one of the most important decisions of your life. 

That means listening, taking time to learn your preferences, and of course pulling on my decade of experience and industry connections to bring you what you need: the right buyer, the right seller at the right price

buy with me

East Bay Realtor

SELL with me

With the right strategy, the right smarts and the right REALTOR, you don’t have to stress about the changing market.

Because a seasoned realtor *raises hand* knows how to successfully navigate difficult territory (heard of Covid anyone?)

Unpredictable market? Unphased.  

Let's get problem solving

“Natasha helped us navigate unchartered territories in the midst of Covid lockdowns. Not only did we sell our condo for one of the best prices our neighborhood had ever seen, but we ended up with our dream home.” 

Danette + EDDIE


"Think Katie's work is just for women? Think again. I'm a man (obviously), and my business tripled, too!"

Made six figures:


Proven Results

Learn my strategies to maximize profit (and minimize stress).

SELL your home

Moving cities and don’t know a good REALTOR? I can help
(hello national network)


No more stress - my buyer’s process moves you from confused to clear.

BUY a home

Ways to Work Together

I lead with grace and am led by integrity.
I’m honest, upfront and understanding. 

— Natasha Bertolozzi

my values

Natasha has a very strong work ethic. I also want to note that I was searching for a home for 3 years, worked with numerous realtors and no one came close to Natasha. I wish I had reached out to her sooner!"

"She was up as early as 6 am responding to my emails all the way until 10 pm. 

First time buyer

Natasha went above and beyond to sell our house. She scheduled and helped us take care of tedious stuff…from the roofer, plumber, sewer lateral, and stager she helped take all the seller stress away. Natasha is the best!"

“We got multiple offers on the first open house. 

Sellers + Move up buyers

Natasha was proactive right away, she seemed to read us and pick up on what we wanted immediately. She was patient and persistent, and always gave us great advice. Not to mention the very first home we bid on our offer was accepted! Natasha was seriously awesome!"

“By the time we found her we'd already been looking for over a year and were pretty much over the process. 

First time Buyers

The People Have Spoken

Tracy & Ernie

Ernie & Stephanie









Book my call

Our first stop is a brief clarity call before heading to the coffee shop. In between sips of latte, my team and I will walk you through the process, answer your questions, and of course, butter you up with pastries. 

Clarity call it is!
